Instructions on using Gradescope

Grouping on Gradescope

Gradescope's fundamental unit is a submitted file to which a group is attached, whereas in CMS, groups are the fundamental unit to which a submission is attached.

Our joint goal is: for each CMS group, there be one, and only one, Gradescope submission, and that Gradescope submission has both partners' logins associated to it.

Every time you re-submit to Gradescope:

  1. Coordinate with your partner, if any, to make sure you don't both independently semi-simultaneously submit.
  2. Do any necessary matching of questions to pdf pages (we've been referring to this as "pagination").
  3. Add your partner: see orange text in screenshot. Gradescope neither checks CMS for your partner nor remembers partnerships from previous submissions to the same assignment.
where the 'View or edit group' button is

Errors in grouping

  1. Mistake: only one member of a CMS group submitted files to Gradescope. The fix: the person who submitted should add their groupmate, as explained above.

  2. Mistake: both members of a CMS group submitted files to Gradescope., so there are now two submissions for the same group (even if the contents of the files are identical) The fix:

    • Coordinate among yourselves to decide which submission should “count”.
    • Use the Gradescope “View or edit group” function (see the orange arrow above) to add the “other” partner to the correct submission. We believe this will remove the unselected “singleton.”