Staff Contact Information and Office Hours

Staff and communication channels other than office hours

What follows is a "decision tree", or ordered list; please read the items in order!

  1. Questions about the class that can be asked and answered publicly? (Do not post any portions of your code publicly.)
    Post to Ed Stem, our course Q&A forum.
    Don't worry: you can choose to be anonymous to your classmates (but not the course staff) there!
    The entire course staff collectively monitors Ed Discussion, including the...
    • TAs:  Aaishi Uppuluri, Ben Hu, Darren Key, Dave Jung, Gavin Fogel, Han Xia, Kai Horstmann, Lionel Tan, Logan Kraver, Pun Chaixanien, Sasha Boguraev, Sienna Hu, Travis Zhang, Tushaar Gangavarapu, Vinh Nguyen, Vivian Chen, Vivian Nguyen
  2. Questions about your specific code for an assignment?  Please do not send code questions by email. Rather, ask at office hours (see below).
  3. Individual matters that should be handled exclusively by the instructor(s) (e.g., "I'm sick and need an extension and it's the night an assignment is due")? Email . (Please do not email the instructor(s) individually or personally; it is important to keep all course communication in one place.)  The people who have access to this email address are:
    • Instructor(s): Prof. Lillian Lee
    • Course Administrative Assistant: Lacy Jordaens (NetID LSL92).


Office hours: schedule and sign-up are at QueueMeIn

At office hours, you can ask any questions about the course, including questions about your individual code.

Office hours are now being managed/displayed (mostly) on QueueMeIn. Via QueueMeIn, you can see your position in the queue and an approximate waiting time.
Unfortunate truths:

  • Having a spot in line does not guarantee that the staff member will get to you. Staff should not (and in many cases cannot) go past the end of their scheduled office hours.
  • It is thus to one's benefit to be able to go to office hours earlier in an assignment cycle, when they are less crowded.

You can also book individual appointments with Professor Lee, These are managed by YouCanBookMe instead of QueueMeIn. 

QueueMeIn instructions for our class

Do this if you aren't the only person/group in the room.
  • Log into using your NetID credentials. We have reports that the site works best when using Chrome or Firefox. If you are using another browser, see a blank screen, and refreshing the page does not help, try one of the recommended browsers.
  • Make sure you go to the CS 4740 queue: you may need to add "CS 4740" to your list of courses, by going to the Edit Your Classes page, or you may need to click on the blue box at the top to change to the "CS 4740" queue. Here is an illustration for someone switching from CS 1112 to CS1110.pulldown menu for course selection
  • Click "Join the Queue" on the appropriate office/consulting hour slot.
    • Because QMI doesn't always automatically display these to us, put your name and netid in the "location" field if it exists.
    • Fill in the question field with at least a full sentence about what your question is: if we can see lots of similar questions, we can handle some of them "en masse".
  • Navigating to the next week can be a little unintuitive:
  • navigating to different datesnavigating to different datesnavigating to different dates